My late father, Rev. Lawrence Glassco, spent many years doing diligent research on his ancestors. Over the course of his lifetime, he wrote three books on our family history. Today, my wife and I have ended up as the custodian of these books, and we are able to sell a limited number.
The Glas(s)co-Glas(s)cock Saga
Most Glas(s)co and Glas(s)cock family historians consider this book to be the authoritative source for our family's history. In fact, much of the family genealogical information now available on the internet was copied from this book. It tells the story of Thomas Glasscock and his wife Jane, who came to America from England in 1643, as well as his descendants through the eighteenth and, for some branches, the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Most genealogists who are able to trace their family back far enough will be able to find a link to someone in this book. It is meticulously researched and footnoted -- my father would never state anything as fact without documentary evidence.
The Glas(s)cocks of England and America
This book is unfortunately out of print at the moment. I need to cut up a copy and scan it to make it available for researchers. When I do so, I will post it here.
As the title suggests, this contains some supplemental material about American Glasscocks and Glasscocks that my father uncovered after writing the original book, as well as his (ultimately unsuccessful) efforts to pin down the ancestors of Thomas before he left Essex in 1643.
The Glas(s)cocks Family Tree
This slim volume contains many of the most interesting stories from the two earlier books, put into verse! There are 86 stories of Glas(s)cock heroes from medieval times to the present -- and a few villains as well. Here is a short sample. The book is soft bound, 117 pages. In addition to the stories, there is an appendix which contains some new Glas(s)cock research.
We also have a fourth Lawrence Glassco volume for sale that is not about genealogy:
The Wee Knight of Thracknotchit Castle
This is a story for young adults about two American kids who are vacationing in Scotland when they meet a knight who is only a foot tall. Their time-traveling adventures together will give anyone you know a good education in Scottish history while also being very entertaining.
The Wee Knight costs $15 and would make a wonderful Christmas gift.
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